Works cited
The Book of Matthew is a collaborative work translated using the oldest reliable manuscripts possible as listed. Used text will be marked with an * however reviewed text will not. Due to the large number of ancient manuscripts reviewed, not all of the works reviewed will be listed. The majority of text used for the book of Matthew was translated using the oldest known source of The Holy Bible, The Mt.Sinai Bible – dated 300-400 A.D. with other sources as follows,
*The Dead Sea Scrolls - 600 B.C. to 100 A.D.
*Nehal Hever - 200-10 B.C.
*Oxyrhynchus Papyri - 400 B.C. to 600 A.D.
*The Mount Sinai Bible - 300-400 A.D.
*The Codex Alexandrinus - 400-500 A.D.
*The Codex Vaticanus - 400-500 A.D.
*The Codex Ephraemi - 400-500 A.D.
*The Codex Bezae - 400-500 A.D.
*The Aleppo Codex - 800-900 A.D.
The Codex Claromontanus - 500-600 A.D.
The Codex Cyprius - 800-900 A.D.
The Codex Mosquensis I - 800-900 A.D.
The Codex Regius - 1200-1300 A.D.
The Codex Washingtonianus - 400-500 A.D.
The Codex Dublinensis - 500-550 A.D.
The Codex Sangallensis - 900-1000 A.D.
The Codex Koridethi - 800-900 A.D.
The Codex Petropolitanus - 700-800 A.D.
The Codex Beratinus - 600-700 A.D.
The Codex Athous Dionysiou - 900-1000 A.D.
The Codex Corbeiensis II - 400-500 A.D.
The Codex Sangermanensis I - 800-900 A.D.
The Codex Bobiensis - 400-500 A.D.
*Tatian’s Gospel - 400-500 A.D.
*Rahlfs 963 - 100-200 A.D.
*Bodmer 68 - 100-200 A.D.
*Bodmer 24 - 100-200 A.D.
*Papyrus 1 - 100-200 A.D. - was used in the translation of (Matthew 1:1-9, 1:14-18)
Papyrus 25 - 300-400 A.D.
Papyrus 35 - 300-400 A.D.
*Papyrus 37 - 100-200 - A.D. was used in the translation of (Matthew 26:20-29, Matthew 26:41-52)
*Papyrus 45 - 100-200 A.D. was used in the translation of (Matthew 25:43-46, 26:3)
*Papyrus 53 - 100-200 A.D. - was used in the translation of (Matthew 26:29-40)
Papyrus 64 - 100-125 A.D.
*Papyrus 67 - 50-150 A.D. - was used in the translation of (Matthew 5:20-22, Matthew 5:25-28)
*Papyrus 70 - 100-200 A.D. - was used in the translation of (Matthew 24:4-6)
*Papyrus 77 - 50-150 A.D. was used in the translation of (Matthew 23:30-38)
Papyrus 86 - 300 A.D.
*Papyrus 101 - 100-200 A.D. was used in the translation of (Matthew 3:10-12, Matthew 4:1-3)
Papyrus 102 - 100-200 A.D.
*Papyrus 103 - 50-150 A.D. was used to translate (Matthew 13:55, Matthew 14:4)
*Papyrus 104 - 50-150 A.D. was used to translate (Matthew 21:34-38)
*Papyrus 967 - Chester Beatty - 200-300 A.D.
Uncial 0171
*Nash Papyrus - 300-200 B.C. was used to translated (Exodus 20-17 and parts of Deuteronomy 5:6-21)
*Oxyrhynchus 1007 – 200-300 A.D.
*Oxyrhynchus 1226 – 200-300 A.D.
*P.Heid. IV 290 – 100-200 A.D.
Dura Parchment 24 200-300 A.D.
T1 P.Ant. 2 54 - Ldab 5425 M 0 - Found on an amulet - 175-225 A.D.